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Teamsun Group was Invited to Attend “The 6th Commercial Bank Digital Transformation Strategy Summit” to Help Commercial Banks' IT Digital Transformation

时间:2021-08-18 21:10 浏览量:5

From July 15 to 16, 2021, " The 6th Commercial Bank Digital Transformation Strategy Summit " was held in Shanghai. With the theme of " Driving into the Digital Fast Lane ", the conference attracted more than 20 banks and over 400 industry experts and industry insiders. The conference was held around the theme of "Change from demand to service and the construction of digital index". Teamsun Group was invited to attend the conference, and together with our partner Intel, we will share experiences with all the bank experts on the digital transformation of banks at the conference.


"Teamsun Cloud" has more than 10 years of development history. In the past, few people knew it, now nearly all use it. "Teamsun Cloud" is also developing rapidly along with the growth of domestic cloud technology.


In 2020, Teamsun Group will continue to promote "All in cloud" and "Teamsun Cloud" with the market position of "Cloud resource management and application service expert in the era of hybrid multi-cloud" to empower customers to achieve the leading cloud business planning, design, build, automated deployment and operations of the whole business life cycle management. Making it easier for customers to obtain the capabilities required by business scenarios and create greater value in the new stage of digital transformation development.


In recent years, domestic mainstream medium and large cloud users, especially in the financial industry, began to slowly recognize the role and value of the cloud management platform, cloud management construction direction is becoming more and more detailed. As an experienced manufacturer of the cloud management industry, "Teamsun Cloud" has been at the forefront of the industry from the earliest cloud management in the telecom industry, to the cloudization of the financial industry, to the cloud transformation in various industries, we understand the demands and business value of customers in the process of cloud management, and its product capabilities have been at the forefront of the industry. Therefore, in recent years, "Teamsun Cloud" is based on the specific needs of financial industry, and gradually derived "Teamsun Cloud" financial industry version, to better adapt to the specific needs of financial industry.


In this conference, Mr. Qi Wang, Director of Product and Solution of "Teamsun Cloud", will represent Teamsun Group and deliver a speech on " Financial IT Digital Operations". The presentation will focus on how "Teamsun Cloud" supports the operations capabilities required by the financial sector in the process of digital transformation. During the implementation time of "Teamsun Cloud", on the one hand, through "Teamsun Cloud", all the IT assets involved in the operations level will be unified and controlled, and the cloud management means of commercial banks will be standardized, and at the same time, through the data gathered by these centralized capabilities, a better IT operations intelligent digital support will be formed. On the other hand, through the observation of "Teamsun Cloud" in the digital transformation of many commercial banks, it is found that the demand for rapid system construction of business departments is becoming more and more urgent. Based on this, “Teamsun Cloud” has implemented cloud operation capability building with cloud application center as the core, and realized the practice of rapid business digital support.



In the past few years, Teamsun Group has been working with the industry's first-class cloud ecological partners to help users transform into the cloud, including Intel, a global leader in computing innovation. In the past two years, "Teamsun Cloud" solution first joined Intel's selected open-source cloud solutions, and then explored the digital transformation scenario support under the new technology with intel China in many innovative fields such as storage and computing, striving to combine the first-class technology with the most valuable application scenarios of users and accelerate the transformation of technology to business scenarios.


On July 15, Teamsun Group and its partner Intel will participate in the "The 6th Commercial Bank Digital Transformation Strategy Summit" ,and will have a booth. We are looking forward to seeing you!


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