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Teamsun Group Released Four-in-one IT Digitalization Best Practices

时间:2021-08-19 16:03 浏览量:3

On April 15, “The 3th China Bank CIO Summit”, themed "Banking 4.0 Era: All in Digital Transformation", was successfully held in Shanghai. As a leading cloud computing solution provider in China, Mr. Mingjun Li, CTO and General Manager of Cloud Computing of Teamsun Group, was invited to share his speech of "Financial IT Digital Operations Practice Sharing" in the main forum, and discussed with more than 500 financial industry professionals about the digital construction solutions of banks in the era of Bank 4.0, and released four-in-one digital best practices to help banks realize digital operations.


Mr. Mingjun Li, CTO and General Manager of Cloud Computing of Teamsun Group, Delivered a Speech


In the Era of Banking 4.0, the Core of Digitalization is Softwareization


After more than 10 years of accumulation in the cloud computing industry, along with the continuous iteration, continuous integration and continuous delivery of user cloud architecture, "Teamsun Cloud" is accompanying the banking industry to the 4.0 era, helping banks to appear where customers need. Proactive mining customer needs, to provide customers with accurate services. As Mr. Mingjun Li said in his speech, "In the 4.0 era of banking industry, standard products will become more and more diluted, and banks need to form their own core competitiveness according to business customization in order to truly realize digital transformation."


Under the requirement of accelerating the construction of digital transformation, the banking industry is actively seeking to "transform from product-centric to customer-centric", paying more attention to business innovation and customer experience. In order to meet the various innovative demands of front-end business, the release, iteration and change of bank's business will be more complicated, and the "IT management" should gradually move from "steady management" to "sensitive management", which has put forward higher requirements for the development department, testing department, operations department, especially in the complex cloud environment, how to achieve rapid release, online and change of business systems is a major challenge for the bank's information management department.


Mr. Mingjun Li, CTO and General Manager of Cloud Computing of Teamsun Group, Delivered a Speech


Facing the urgent problems of banking digital transformation, Mr. Mingjun Li said in his speech that the premise is to recognize that "the core of digitalization is software, and software is the highest level of automation and intelligence".


Banks need to take "digital business capacity construction, scenario-based application management, technology platform management, ecological capacity building" as the pivot point. From the perspective of "technology + business" deep integration platform, we provide customers with the four core values of "productization capability empowerment, digitalization capability empowerment, innovation capability empowerment, and potential capability empowerment" to ultimately achieve open development and win-win cooperation.


“Teamsun Cloud” Digital IT Technology Platform Helps Banks Transform and Upgrade


As a digital enabler in the banking industry, Teamsun Group has built a digital IT technology platform based on more than ten years of best practices, which is dedicated to helping customers realize digital operations from four aspects and helping to build a digital native bank.



The platform has the capabilities of hybrid multi-cloud resource control, cross-cloud orchestration, visual orchestration, automated deployment, compliance audit and design, etc., and realizes the ability to automate the whole lifecycle management of planning, design, construction, deployment, operations of the application system operation environment. The banking business system application deployment cycle is reduced from weeks to hours, with obvious management benefits; the visualized business architecture design view reduces the communication cost of application environment design. Through the scientific evaluation and reasonable allocation of enterprise IT resources, and reduce IT costs; at the same time can be quickly replicated in different environments such as development, testing, production and even including disaster recovery, fully guaranteeing more compliant and secure business release and deployment.


Seize the New Opportunity of Digital Ecological Capacity Building to Create a Win-Win Situation


Driven by the wave of digitalization, it is obvious that it is no longer appropriate to fight alone. At present, “Teamsun Cloud” is working with customers and ecological partners to jointly innovate and build a digital ecological platform based on industry practices.


On the one hand, through the open API system and mature standard development capabilities, and various software vendors, solution vendors, service vendors of various solutions and products quickly integrated; on the other hand, for the personalized, scenario-based management needs of users of different scales in various industries, while assisting customers to build a good cloud computing technology base, to assist customers to complete the operations of various types of business on the cloud platform, to assist customers "build good cloud, manage good cloud, use good cloud", and provide customers with different scenario-based capabilities of trading and delivery of smart city, intelligent transportation, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent power, intelligent finance, intelligent park, intelligent healthcare, etc., to be able to complete digital transformation more smoothly.


In 2021, Teamsun Group will continue to promote "All in cloud", and with the market positioning of "cloud management and application service expert in the era of hybrid multi-cloud", “Teamsun Cloud” will enable the banking industry to achieve leading cloud business planning, design, construction, automated deployment and operations of the whole business lifecycle management. It makes it easier for customers to acquire the capabilities required by business scenarios and create greater value in the new stage of digital transformation development.




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